TRIGGERED – Cal Law Professor To Sen. Hawley: ‘Your Questioning Is Transphobic’

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) asks a question during a Judiciary Committee hearing. (Tom Williams-Pool/Getty)

Don’t you DARE suggest that “trans” men cannot get pregnant! Americans around the nation are laughing after Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri was accused of being “transphobic” over his lack of faith in the idea that an hombre can hold a baby in his stomach.

The charge that Hawley fears those afflicted with gender dysphoria came during a heated exchange between himself and Khiara Bridges, who is a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

“You refer to ‘people with a capacity for pregnancy.’ Would that be women?” Hawley asked Bridges.

As CNN explained, many leftists now use the term “pregnant people” as opposed to “women,” in a supposed effort to avoid offending others, ostensibly non-women, who apparently now possess the ability to bear children.

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling last month, some progressives have increasingly used the term “pregnant people” — as opposed to “women” — to refer to those whose right to abortion they seek to protect, in an effort to recognize that transgender men and non-binary people are also affected by the court’s decision, which overturned the 1973 landmark ruling that had made access to abortion a federal constitutional right.

“Many women, cis women, have the capacity for pregnancy, many cis women do not have the capacity for pregnancy,” Bridges replied. “There are also trans men who are capable of pregnancy, as well as non-binary people who are capable of pregnancy.”

Hawley then suggested the idea “trans men” and “nonbinary people” can get pregnant calls the entire ideology of abortion being a “women’s rights” issue into question.

“We can recognize that this impacts women while also recognizing that it impacts other groups,” answered Bridges.

“Those things are not mutually exclusive,” she added.

The Missouri Senator asked Bridges to clarify what “the core of this,” is about to which she replied, “your line of questioning is transphobic and it opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing them.”

“You’re saying I’m opening people up to violence by asking whether or not women are the folks who have pregnancies?” Hawley asked in an effort to push back.

The UC Berkeley law professor then asked Hawley if he believes men can get pregnant, only to be met with an exasperated, “no, I don’t think men can get pregnant.”

Senator Hawley has publicly inserted himself into culture war issues as of late, frequently calling up radical leftist activists to the stand during Senate hearings. He similarly worked with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) last month to demand answers following whistleblower revelations on social media censorship and has additionally moved to back the Trump-endorsed anti-big tech Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters.

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