University Professor Threatens to ‘Document’ Nick Sandmann’s Behavior on Campus, Calls His Beliefs ‘Atrocious and Uninformed’

A university professor posted a public screed against conservative hero Nick Sandmann on Facebook before backtracking after being called out for bias.

The exchange began after a left-wing activist wished that Transylvania University, the small Kentucky college that the former Covington Catholic student is now attending, would discriminate against Sandmann because of his conservative beliefs.

“Does anyone else think it’s a bit of a stain on Transylvania University for accepting Nick Sandman? I’m sure it’s a “both sides” defense, but it’s pretty counter to their mission and another instance of there not actually being equal sides to an issue. I think TU should accept anyone willing to have an open mind and engage in debate, regardless of their views. That’s how we all learn. That’s Transy’s mission,” wrote Samuel Crankshaw of the Kentucky ACLU in a Facebook post.

“But this kid clearly is a provocateur in training with no intention of learning. He exists only to troll, intimidate and play victim. He and his attorney proudly use their national platforms to promote QAnon, which has *literally* been the direct cause of multiple instances of violence (not to mention all of the other batshit stuff). He is proudly defending Kyle Rittenhouse, who murdered two people for exercising political speech. Ironically, this silenced victim is running with Don Jr., spoke at the GOP convention, has a bill in his honor at the General Assembly, has attended private schools, has a national law firm representing him, etc. So silenced. He’s no different from the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos, but he is more dangerous,” Crankshaw continued.

“Having experienced the incredibly high standards Transy requires for admission and then holds its students to, this seems like a slap in the face. I hope some time in a real classroom changes him, but his twitter and public persona suggest otherwise,” he wrote to conclude his rant.

While it’s one thing for a left-wing activist and proud snowflake to have these viewpoints, a faculty member responded and echoed many of Crankshaw’s sentiments against Sandmann.

“While I certainly don’t support or agree with his views, and find his public behavior and rhetoric atrocious and uninformed, we can’t not admit academically qualified students due to their political and personal views,” wrote Dr. Avery Tompkins, who works as Assistant Professor and Diversity Scholar at Transylvania University.

“If he were to cause problems by being disruptive, trolling, or engaging in unethical behavior of any kind, I would immediately document it…and he would just be putting himself in a position for me to file a conduct report,” Tomkins continued.

“I’m interested in knowing why he chose Transy, whose mission is the antithesis of what he believes and promotes,” she added.

A screenshot of the entire exchange can be seen here:

Tompkins was immediately challenged by conservatives, including podcaster Rocco Lucente, for threatening to report Sandmann if he expresses his uncensored beliefs as a student.

“It’s amazing how faculty at universities now have ZERO issues with openly positing how they will discriminate against a potential future student of theirs in the event that they actually have to do their jobs and teach them,” Lucente wrote.

In Tompkins’ response to Lucente, she said that Sandmann would not be subject to scrutiny that is different than what any other conservative student receives on campus. The left-wing gestapo is not out to get Sandmann specifically, but out to crush all dissent to cultural marxism with extreme prejudice.

“I said I would welcome him into my class and would treat him the same as any student,” Tomkins explained.

Lucente is reporting Tomkins’ words to Sandmann’s attorneys, who have already secured settlements for Sandmann from other entities that defamed him. Sandmann may be able to cash out yet again due to Tomkins’ cruel sentiments.

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