Utah Public School Administrators and Union Officials Admit They Sneak Critical Race Theory Into Classrooms

Video has emerged of public school administrators and union officials admitting that they sneak far-left indoctrination programs such as critical race theory and social and emotional learning into the classroom without the consent of their parents.

“There was, like, loopholes with it that it just goes back to the [Local Education Agency] for equity and for things. And so, our… whenever our team goes out, we don’t do an opt-out prior to. They just go out, meet the kids, work with them. We operate like a math department, and then we give a letter after they go out, saying, ‘We were in your school and this is what they talked about,'” said Michelle Love-Day, who works as the director of culture and diversity in the Jordan school district.

“Even with that “woke” curriculum, so I came up with an alternate curriculum for that child, it is still a [social and emotional learning] curriculum….It meets the same objectives,” said Sarah Roberts, the executive director at the Ogden School District.

“There are things, as a high school teacher, that frustrated me. Like, you can’t ask for pronouns, they made that law. I still did and a lot of the high school teachers I know, especially in the English department, were like, ‘This is bullcrap.’ Like, we still did,” said Katrina Kennedy, a teacher specialist at the Jordan school district.

The hidden camera video can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on critical race theory and similar lessons being promoted to children with parents kept deliberately in the dark as the sinister nature of the far-left indoctrination process reveals itself:

A curriculum creator admitted how he and others secretly embed critical race theory into their lesson plans, comparing himself to “an evil salesman” for what he does to deceive parents in order to brainwash children into believing the dogma of psychotic race-based leftism.

“If you don’t say the word critical race theory, you can teach it,” said Quinn Bostic, a PhD who works as a content manager for the Teaching Lab, to a Project Veritas journalist.

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