Virginia Senator Thinks Trump ‘Emboldens’ White Supremacists, Silent on Racist Ralph Northam

Despite the glaring fact that Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.) is an obvious racist who has not faced repercussions after Big League Politics exposed him for wearing a KKK robe or blackface during his time in medical school, a U.S. Senator from that state condemned President Donald J. Trump, linking him to white supremacy.
‘The president uses language often that’s very similar to the language used by these bigots and racists. And if he’s not going to call it out then other leaders have to do more to call it out and I certainly will,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D- Va.) said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday morning.
“Well they have problems but- I think the president is using language that emboldens them. He’s not creating them. They’re out there. But you know at the same time as he was tweeting out yesterday his support for the family members in New Zealand, and that was appropriate, he was vetoing the Senate’s rejection of his emergency declaration from Thursday. And he used the word invaders to characterize people coming to the nation’s southern borders which was exactly the same phrase that the shooter in New Zealand used to characterize the Muslims that he was attacking. That kind of language from the person who probably has the loudest microphone on the planet Earth is hurtful and dangerous and it tends to incite violence,” Kaine continued.
Perhaps the Democratic Party of Virginia should get its own house in order before levying accusations of “racism” against Trump. The state’s third most senior politician, Attorney Mark Herring, also a Democrat, admitted to wearing blackface in college too.
Herring originally called on Northam to resign, but then backed off his call after admitting to his racism, and after Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, another Democrat, was credibly accused of sexual assault by two women. Kaine’s compatriot Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) did the same thing.
This is proof positive that Democrats do not actually care about racism. They care about weaponizing race to use it as a political tool against Republicans, which is neither moral nor virtuous.
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