WaPo Says Fairfax Isn’t Telling The Truth About Newspaper; Sex Assault Allegation Did Not Have “Red Flags”

Monday, the Washington Post disputed Virginia Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax’s claim to have been exonerated of recent allegations of sexual misconduct by the Jeff Bezos-owned blog.

Fairfax issued a 3:00 AM statement in response to a Big League Politics report of Stanford Fellow Vanessa Tyson’s allegations stemming from a 2004 incident, confirming that the allegations had indeed been levied against him.

In a statement, he said that WaPo had looked into the claims, and found “significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegation,” and that the paper decided not to run the story for that reason.

But The Washington Post, at least in part, disagrees.

“Fairfax and the woman told different versions of what happened in the hotel room with no one else present,” the paper said. “The Washington Post could not find anyone who could corroborate either version. The Post did not find ‘significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegations,’ as the Fairfax statement incorrectly said.”

Tyson has not yet spoken publicly about the allegations, despite national news coverage stemming from the original Big League Politics report.

The Post described the allegations they received in late 2017 about the 2004 Democrat National Convention:

The woman described a sexual encounter that began with consensual kissing and ended with a forced act that left her crying and shaken. She said Fairfax guided her to the bed, where they continued kissing, and then at one point she realized she could not move her neck. She said Fairfax used his strength to force her to perform oral sex.

Interestingly, WaPo doesn’t reference the Christine Blasey-Ford’s allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh in their rebuttal to Fairfax. The omission is striking given the specific details provided in Tyson’s allegation such as a specific event, time and location, unlike Ford who couldn’t remember what year the alleged assault occurred.

The Post let the accusations against Fairfax die in the darkness.

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