Washington Examiner Says Kyle Rittenhouse Has ‘Moral Fault’ for Self-Defense Killings, Claims Dead Pedophile Deserves Sympathy

The Washington Examiner, ostensibly a conservative outlet, published an op/ed on Wednesday trashing Kyle Rittenhouse for his heroic actions in Kenosha, Wisc. last year.

Columnist Quin Hillyer said Rittenhouse is at “clear moral fault” for exercising his 2nd Amendment rights and defending property against a riotous left-wing mob. He also said that the left-wing thugs Rittenhouse shot dead, one of which was a convicted pedophile, deserve sympathy despite the fact they were attacking the young man.

“The weapon was not a handgun that someone supposedly providing “first aid” in a riot zone might carry for protection; it was an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle, hardly a reasonable choice for someone allegedly acting as a self-appointed medic,” Hillyer wrote, expressing his apparent opposition to the 2nd Amendment.

“A host of conservatives are rushing to Rittenhouse’s side, arguing he was acting in self-defense. Fear, perhaps, but not really self-defense. He created the dangerous situation with all his earlier actions. He was the one who killed two unarmed men who, even if not moral exemplars themselves, would still be alive had Rittenhouse not gone where he didn’t belong while packing illegal heat,” he added.

The entire article can be read here.

Hillyer is getting dragged on social media for his abhorrent and disgraceful take on a courageous young man in Rittenhouse who will inevitably go down as an American hero. 

Big League Politics has reported on other times the Washington Examiner betrayed the cause of conservatism when it mattered most:

Since the Jan. 6 mostly peaceful protest on the U.S. Capitol, many so-called conservatives have demonstrated their hatred of Trump and shown they had been working to subvert his America First agenda all along.

Arguably the worst examples of this establishment trend come from the Washington Examiner, a media outlet that is bankrolled by a Trump-averse globalist billionaire. The ostensibly conservative outlet has been echoing Democrat talking points since Jan. 6, blaming President Trump for allegedly inciting the violence and promoting impeachment as a legal and viable option.

In a recent article, the publication took it a step further by advocating for an abolition of the U.S. Constitution for the Biden administration to wage the war on terror in the homeland against Trump supporters.

The article titled, “How to fix our domestic terrorist problem” is written by Kevin Carroll, a former CIA agent and long-time homeland security bureaucrat. He compared President Trump’s supporters to Al Qaeda and proposed revoking their 2nd Amendment rights in what would be perhaps the most ghastly civil liberties abuse in U.S. history.

“We saw five dead in the Jan. 6 attempted coup d’etat. We saw possible assassination plots against both former Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We saw coercion designed to prevent certification of President Biden’s Electoral College victory,” Carroll wrote, weaving together a narrative of distortions and half-truths to build his case.

He urged for Democrat leaders to adopt a plan of intolerable acts that would make America less free than many third-world nations.

Carroll called for Attorney General-designate Merrick Garland and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to institute Draconian penalties against Capitol protesters, force loyalty oaths to the federal government upon local and state authorities, stage false flag plots to entrap unsuspecting right-wingers in bogus terror plots, dramatically expand the authority of the federal government to go after so-called domestic extremists, and perhaps most shockingly, shred the 2nd Amendment by banning the citizen militia.”

The editors of the Washington Examiner have proven time and again that they are a hostile Fifth Column working to undermine the conservative movement from within. This rag is controlled opposition that works on behalf of the globalist establishment and should be treated as such.

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