WATCH: Lois Frankel is Exposed for Fomenting Black Lives Matter Terror in New Pro-Laura Loomer Ad

A new powerful advertisement released by a pro-liberty super PAC is making a strong case that Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL) is fomenting the black lives terror movement and excusing their destructive actions in West Palm Beach.

The campaign ad released by the American Liberty Fund calls the Democrats “the party of violence” because of their embrace of extremism in recent years due to their intense hatred of President Donald Trump.

“As our law enforcement officers are gunned down, Lois Frankel and her Democrat Party sit back and literally cheer them on,” the advertisement stated.

“After a night of riots, Lois Frankel literally thanked the violent protesters. Lois Frankel isn’t on your side. Frankel is on the side of an extremist group that wants to de-fund our police,” it continued.

The ad went on to state that Frankel’s opponent – banned journalist turned GOP rising star Laura Loomer – would support law and order if she defeats Frankel in the race for Florida’s 21st U.S. House district.

“Laura Loomer is running for Congress, and she puts the safety of our community first. She will work with law enforcement to keep them funded and responsive to protect the lives of Floridians. On November 3rd, vote to stand with our police. Vote for Laura Loomer for Congress,” the advertisement concluded.

The entire video can be seen here:

Loomer’s trailblazing campaign strategy is having a great deal of success, as she raises an incredible amount of funds while breaking through the widespread censorship that got her booted from every major social media platform.

Big League Politics has reported on Loomer’s fight against Big Tech tyranny as her lawsuits against the Silicon Valley monopolists continue in the courts:

Banished journalist and Florida U.S. House candidate Laura Loomer’s lawsuit against Big Tech will be heard in the court of law following an order in the D.C. Circuit on Thursday.

Loomer is accusing tech giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter of conspiring to suppress conservative voices on their platforms. The lawsuit is challenging these monolithic corporations for allegedly violating antitrust law as well as the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

Her lawsuit had been previously tossed out by U.S. District Judge Trever N. McFadden, a Trump appointee to the bench, who stated that “while selective censorship of the kind alleged by the plaintiffs may be antithetical to the American tradition of freedom of speech, it is not actionable under the First Amendment unless perpetrated by a state actor.” However, Loomer was able to use a recent court ruling to resurrect her lawsuit despite the initial setback.

Loomer’s legal team, led by the right-wing political interest group Freedom Watch, used the precedent of Packingham v. North Carolina, a ruling which determined that it was unconstitutional to ban sex offenders from social media. The case essentially set the precedent that social media is a 1st Amendment right.

“Many of the principles set forth by the Supreme Court in Packingham lead to what appellants believe is the natural progression of the law to hold that social media companies are liable for First Amendment violations, given the progression of technology and its infiltration into the daily lives of nearly every single person,” Loomer’s team said in their final brief presented to the court.

Loomer points to Twitter banning her from the platform at the end of 2018 after she said that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) adheres to a religion in which “women are abused” and “forced to wear the hijab.” She was similarly banned from Instagram for her assertion that Islam is “a cancer on humanity,” and Facebook, which owns Instagram, quickly followed suit and banned her even though the offending post was not made on that platform.

Loomer still cannot get her accounts restored despite the fact that she is running for the U.S. House in Florida’s 21st Congressional District, which could be considered a form of electoral interference.

Loomer intends to capitalize on the Democrat Party’s descent into radicalism and embrace of anti-American terror to go to Congress.

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