WATCH: Psaki Encourages More Protests Outside Justices’ Homes

On Tuesday, Jen Psaki confirmed that the White House fully supports the ongoing protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

Dubbing the protests “peaceful to date,” Psaki also told reporters that the WH has not “seen evidence” to suggest they will turn violent.

“I think I said yesterday, but I’m happy to repeat because I think it’s important for everybody to hear that the president’s long-standing view has been that violence, threats, and intimidation of any kind have no place in political discourse,” Psaki stated. “And we believe, of course, in peaceful protests.”

Psaki later made sure to justify the protests, then proceeded to encourage their continuation.

“So, I know that there’s an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to date, and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes,” Psaki said. “And that’s the president’s position.”

As expected, many Republicans are appalled by this administration’s response to leftists showing up at the homes of Supreme Court justices. Because this kind of rhetoric is only adding fuel to the fire when it comes to political outrage due to the potential strike down of Roe V. Wade.

As Sen. Ted Cruz said: “None of these Democrats care. Joe Biden won’t condemn it. The White House won’t condemn the leak.”

“These thugs have no business at the private homes of any government official, these Supreme Court justices or anyone else,” he added.

Sen. Chuck Grassley tweeted, “We can’t tolerate intimidation as a political tool It’s 1 thing to peacefully demonstrate & another to undermine institutions like SCOTUS+harass justices at home bc of a decision u might not like And ANYONE making threats of violence should be arrested & prosecuted.”

Democrats understand all of this, of course, but they don’t care about what Republicans have to say. Driving fear is the goal. And very little is more threatening than a politically motivated mob that has just been given the “green light” by Psaki at the WH to keep up the pressure.

Protestors, and those supporting them, have made it clear that Roe V. Wade is worth fighting for no matter the costs. As they believe justice intimidation could swing the leaked SCOTUS draft opinion, all while at the same time igniting voters ahead of the 2022 midterms.

We’re seeing this strategy play out across the country, as left-wing political leaders continue to drive the “war on women” narrative, along with other out-of-pocket fear-mongering tactics.

Now imagine if any “Ultra-MAGA” personalities made ANY similar comments.

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