WATCH: Tucker Carlson’s Biographer Chadwick Moore Says Fox News Booted Network Star Same Day He Would Debunk More Jan 6 Lies, Discuss Ray Epps, As Part Of Dominion Settlement

There has been a lot of speculation behind why Tucker Carlson was booted from Fox News during the height of his cable television career.
Over the past few weeks, new facts and theories have emerged, many of which have to do with the network’s recent settlement with Dominion.
According to Chadwick Moore, Carlson’s biographer and friend, the Fox News mega star was fired on the same day he was planning to talk about Ray Epps.
Moore shared the details of this move in a Twitter video that amassed a million views in less than one hour – WATCH:
For the last year, I've been writing the definitive biography of @TuckerCarlson, based on thorough research and 100+ hours of interviews.
But there's some info that can't wait for July 18: the scoop on why Fox canceled his show.
Watch below & Pre-order:
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) May 22, 2023
As Moore explained, Carlson’s cancellation was calculated. The network wanted to silence him just before he could expose more January 6th lies, and, specifically, shed more doubt on the entire Ray Epps saga.
Carlson appeared to confirm what Moore stated, responding to the two minute video with the eyes emoji.
Even though Carlson wasn’t named in the infamous Dominion lawsuit, Moore confirmed that the ex-host was let go in connection with the settlement.
The O’Keefe Media Group has also released hidden camera footage showing a Fox News producer admitting that Carlson was removed from his prime time position because of the Dominion defamation lawsuit.
OMG EXCLUSIVE FOX INSIDER TELL ALL; Says Tucker Termination was Part of Dominion Settlement
Discusses "shady" work of "friend," former Biden operative Mike LaRosa now working for Dominion
“When it’s corporate media you’re beholden to advertisers…
we take money from Pfizer"— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) May 16, 2023
Put simply: Dominion needed Carlson gone because he was solely interfering with the 2020 election narrative. Or, in other words, powerful people in high places wanted to shut Carlson up.
However, according to a Rasmussen poll, and probably according to most watchers of the Tucker Carlson nightly show, this move has, and will continue to backfire massively for the network; because the poll showed that Carlson is more popular than Fox News itself.
As Americans have seen since the media giant’s firing, post-Tucker Carlson Fox News is scrambling to make up for its collapsing ratings by considering “multiple scenarios” for its primetime lineup.
For instance, as Drudge headlined last week, Fox News is even discussing moving Sean Hannity into Carlson’s coveted 8PM hour time slot.
“With Hannity moving up an hour,” Drudge reported, “fellow hosts Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld would slide into the 9 and 10 p.m. primetime hours. The latter slot is currently held by Laura Ingraham.”
“Fox News is preparing to announce an ambitious new schedule,” the report said, “a schedule where every hour of primetime will change.”
“It’s our boldest and most fearless line-up ever,” a source told the site.
The network’s tanking ratings prove otherwise. Americans want Carlson.
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