‘White Men Are Bull****’: New York Times Hires Openly Anti-White Racist Editor

The former “paper of record” has hired an openly anti-white racist to work on its editorial board.

“Dumb*** f****** white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” wrote the newest New York Times editor Sarah Jeong.

“#CancelWhitePeople,” she said in another Tweet.

“1) white men are bullshit 2) no one cares about women 3) you can threaten anyone on the internet except cops,” said Jeong in another Tweet.

“White people have stopped breeding. You’ll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along,” she said.

“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote in a bizarre attempt at humor.

There are many more examples of Jeong’s racism archived online.

Her hiring comes at a time when the paper’s selection of staff is even more questionable than usual. Two weeks ago, a Times reporter broke into the home of a staffer for Corey Stewart, a GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia.

Big League Politics reported:

Big League Politics has obtained exclusive audio of a conversation between Brian Landrum and Bell Stonebridge Apartments that confirm that the apartment complex has New York Times reporter on CCTV video inside Landrum’s apartment building.

“So, I looked through the camera and we actually do have footage of [reporter Stephanie Saul],” the apartment complex told Landrum, a staffer for GOP U.S. Senate Candidate from Virginia, Corey Stewart.

“Ms. Saul went to an address for Landrum Associates in Woodbridge looking for Mr. Landrum. She was told by a woman who opened the door that he was not present. She left a note with the woman for Mr. Landrum asking him to call. At no time did she enter the premises,” a New York Times spokeswoman told NBC Washington, regarding the alleged break-in by reporter Stephanie Saul.

BLP Passage Ends. 

Who will the Times hire next? A convicted axe murderer? Perhaps an illegal immigrant? It is anyone’s guess.

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