Wisconsin Governor Throws Kyle Rittenhouse Under the Bus, Makes Excuses for BLM/ANTIFA Rioters

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has made it abundantly clear that he and his Democrat leadership in the state are effectively condoning the riotous left-wing behavior that is occurring in Kenosha.

Gov. Evers made despicable comments during a press conference on Thursday, throwing 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse under the bus after he was forced to shoot his way out of a mob attack, killing a pedophile and a domestic abuser in the process.

“We have a strong belief in this state and across the nation that we can walk around with guns if we want to, and I personally wouldn’t do that, and I personally don’t feel really comfortable with hundreds of people walking around with long guns,” Gov. Evers said.

He added: “But it is part of our Constitution. We just have to make sure that they are in a position not to cause harm like they did. And frankly, when the 2nd Amendment butts up against the 1st Amendment, my recommendation is simple: Stay home.”

Gov. Evers also lied about Jacob Blake, the alleged sex offender who resisted arrest and was shot while lunging for a gun in his car during a police encounter, and threw law enforcement under the bus. He is making it clear that there will be no consequences for BLM/ANTIFA terrorists.

“The facts were pretty clear in the situation. There was an African-American man who was shot seven or eight times in the back as he was attempting to get into his car,” Gov. Evers said.

“I understand what they’re talking about. We want to respect law enforcement and we want them to do a good job, but I don’t think reciting the facts as we know it is a wrong approach,” he continued.

“And the same facts, frankly, we’ve seen all across the country,” Gov. Evers added.

Both clips can be seen here:

The state’s affirmative action Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes also spewed a pack of lies during the press conference and showed yet again why diversity is poison.

“We don’t need an investigation to know that Blake’s shooting falls in a long and painful pattern of violence, and this is a pattern of violence that happens against black lives too often across this country,” Barnes said.

“We saw even more gun violence unfold on Tuesday night when two protestors were tragically killed and one another injured by gunshots,” he continued, falsely alleging that Rittenhouse was an “outside agitator” when he was there to provide EMT assistance and defend private property.

“Everybody has to recognize the pain of those who are protesting… You should do what you have to do to end systemic racism and the systemic violence that happens everyday in this city, in this state, in this country, all over,” Barnes added.

His words at the press conference can be seen here:

Right-wing pundit Michelle Malkin is leading the charge exposing the evil agenda perpetrated by the Democrats against this 17-year-old patriot and the law-abiding people of Wisconsin.

Malkin is doing everything in her power to make sure that Rittenhouse is not railroaded by the biased justice system that is looking to crucify white right-wing conservatives.

“The deck is stacked. We all know it, but to see it in action while working to avert another Crump-manufactured injustice is enraging,” she wrote in a Telegram message to her followers.

Malkin has pointed out how Benjamin Crump, the attorney representing Blake and many other high-profile black thugs and their money-hungry families, is extremely disreputable in the past:

Crump is an infamous race huckster who is currently getting sued regarding how he handled the case against George Zimmerman, who was exonerated in the court of law for the self-defense killing of Trayvon Martin. Crump published an anti-white book to capitalize on the hysteria of Zimmerman’s trial, “Open Season: Legalized Genocide of Colored People,” which is alleged to have been written “with actual malice knowing the untruth or at a minimum a reckless disregard for the truth.”

Right now, Crump is attempting to cash in on a civil suit against Daniel Holtzclaw, a law enforcement officer who was convicted of sexual assault based on evidence that Malkin considers to be highly dubious. Malkin noted that Holtzclaw’s alleged victims include a convicted felon who described Holtzclaw as a “short, black man” when he is in fact 6’1, half Japanese, and light-skinned; and a drug-addicted prostitute who referred to Holtzclaw as a “hot cop” before claiming he raped her. Crump is hoping to secure payouts for these individuals, in an example of the racial justice that Black Lives Matter activists are demanding.

The Black Lives Matter movement is far more of an existential threat to the future of the nation than ISIS ever could be. Until BLM terrorists and their enablers are treated like domestic terrorists and eradicated, the U.S. will continue to disintegrate.

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