WTF: President Trump Hires Disgraced ‘Total Loser’ Karl Rove as Campaign Advisor
President Donald Trump has hired Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff for George W. Bush, as an advisor to his presidential campaign.
He has hired Rove despite the fact that he has been attacking him mercilessly for nearly a decade, pointing out the many failures of the portly globalist boob.
“Karl Rove — lost GOP both Houses of Congress and the White House —gave us Obama,” Trump wrote in a tweet back in Aug. 2018.
“Karl Rove is a total loser. Money given to him might as well be thrown down the drain,” Trump wrote in a tweet back in Feb. 2013.
“Karl Rove’s ads are the worst in political history!” he wrote a few weeks after the previous tweet.
Six months later, he would kick Rove around again by tweeting: “It’s Tuesday. How many terrible predictions and advice will Karl 1.6% Rove make today?”
After Rove refused to support Trump’s presidential ambitions, he once again started the attacks against the dopey Iraq War supporter.
“Why does @oreillyfactor and @FoxNews always have Karl Rove on. He spent $430 million and lost ALL races. A dope who said Romney won election,” Trump wrote in a Sept. 2015 tweet.
Rove apparently wormed his way into the campaign through Brad Parscale, the political novice who is running the show for Trump after handling digital operations for Trump in the first campaign.
Parscale has shown his stunning incompetence and lack of understanding of Trump’s “America First” movement while doing media appearances for the campaign.
Big League Politics reported on how Parscale said that immigration would not be a focal point throughout Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign:
President Donald Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs on Monday when he said that immigration wouldn’t be one of the top issues that Trump focuses on while trying to obtain re-election this November.
When Dobbs asked Parscale what the top three issues would be for the President on the campaign trail, Parscale claimed jobs, national security and healthcare would be what Trump would focus on. Dobbs, who has been a proponent for border security his entire career, was surprised that immigration was not included.
“You didn’t mention border security. You didn’t mention immigration,” Dobbs said.
“Well, I think on immigration he’s already in the winning column. I think that those people we already have voters. I think these other issues we have to continue to get the other voters to come across and make this a landslide victory,” Parscale responded.
This follows news of Trump capitulating on mass immigration. Reversing his previous stance, Trump is now ready to open the flood gates for the third-world so that corporations can hire cheap labor…
Trump is getting advised by members of his administration to jettison his immigration mandate, and it could hurt his re-election chances.
By bringing in a turd like Rove, Parscale has shown he is completely out of his depth and needs to be replaced before he does more damage to Trump’s re-election chances.