College Republican National Committee Flips Out After School Chapters Join Immigration Moratorium Coalition

The College Republican National Committee (CRNC) is enraged after several university chapters signed onto a letter calling for an end to temporary worker programs in the U.S. due the toll that the coronavirus pandemic has taken on the national economy.
College Republican leaders delivered the letter to the White House last week, urging Trump to put a moratorium on immigration policies that are jeopardizing the demographic integrity of the country.
“[W]e ask you to immediately take action to rescind the work authorization of hundreds of thousands of foreign, nonimmigrant skilled guest workers in order to ease the economic suffering of American college students and recent graduates looking for meaningful employment in these trying times,” the coalition wrote in their letter.
Over 25 College Republican and Young Republican groups signed onto the letter, which demonstrated how the “America First” movement is guiding and influencing conservative youth.
“These guest workers — and especially those in the OPT and H- 1B programs — take jobs temporarily at wages far below the average for their positions. This is because employers can easily pay these guest workers less than they pay Americans,” the letter stated.
“This is not right,” the letter added, calling for the H-1B program to be suspended and the OPT program to be shuttered permanently.
The letter has not come without consequences, as the CRNC has reportedly expressed displeasure with chapters that signed onto the coalition. Big League Politics has reported on how establishment forces within the College Republicans have conducted a witch hunt against Trump-style nationalists, harbored homosexual predators within their ranks, sided with ANTIFA terrorists against pro-Trump students, and committed other atrocious behavior to undermine the conservative cause.
Gavin Wax, a Fox News contributor who serves as President of the New York Young Republican Club, was instrumental in putting together the coalition. He believes that the letter represents the ascending movement within conservatism, and the push-back cannot stop the momentum that has coalesced behind this coalition with Trump in the White House.
“It is great to see young conservative leaders from across the country uniting to promote a common sense proposal to defend the American worker and our national sovereignty. We cannot continue to keep the gates open as working-class Americans struggle to provide for their own families,” Wax told Big League Politics.
“It is a shame that this position has not been readily adopted by more organizations and their national affiliations. We are thankful for the work FAIR and Michelle Malkin have done to advance this issue forward,” he added.
Big League Politics will continue to hold the College Republicans accountable as the establishment desperately tries to fend off the rising “America First” movement.