Dallas City Council Is Voting To Shred History, Deface Monuments… Again

DALLAS, TX —  In the second-most politically liberal city in the Lone Star State, council members voted to remove a Confederate statue of Robert E. Lee from a graveyard, according to reports.

The action by Dallas City Council represents a new benchmark for what is considered “normal” in the ever-expanding, runaway push to tear down reminders of America’s past. Apparently, the dead will now be disturbed to satisfy virtue-signalling liberal overcompensation; “RIP” no more (if your head rests under the likeness of a historically unpopular figure.)

Members voted 11-4 in favor of a resolution that would declare the monument of Confederate soldiers inside Pioneer Park “a noncontributing structure for the historic overlay district.”

What does that mean? In short, the action would allow the city manager to get approval from the landmark commission to remove the monument.

“During Wednesday’s council meeting, more than a half dozen people spoke to council members. Most were in favor of removing the monument,” reports Fox affiliate Channel 4.

It was far less public comment than previous meetings on the subject.

RELATED: Texas Town That Wiped Out KKK Protects Its Confederate Monuments

“The plaque is considered controversial and inaccurate by some scholars due to its particular representati0n of the casus belli: it claims slavery was not the cause of the conflict,” according to our report, Feb 12.

For that alleged heresy, for which there has never been actual academic consensus, liberals demand we tear down history. The actual words inscribed on the plaque read,

“We therefore, pledge ourselves to preserve pure ideals … To study and teach the truths of history (one of the most important of which is, that the War between the States was not a rebellion, nor was its underlying cause slavery).”

“In the only debate held in Texas’ gubernatorial election last year, Gov. Greg Abbott, who was re-elected, had said it should be up to the Legislature to take it down and that it ‘absolutely’ should come down because of historical inaccuracy,” wrote Suzanne Gamboa at NBC on Jan. 25.

But it wasn’t the governor who ultimately had to “run old Dixie down,” Abbott contends. He pledged to abide by whatever the State Preservation Board decided.

Except that, Abbott chairs the board. Texas House speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, both Republicans, serve as co-vice chairs on the preservation board under Abbott.

The board voted to “store” the plaque while it takes public comment over 90 days.

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