Democrat Response To Trump’s SOTU: Socialist Stacey Abrams

A failed leftist gubernatorial candidate from Georgia has agreed to give a rebuttal to President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union address, which will be held on Feb. 5.
“Sen Schumer says Stacey Abrams of Georgia has agreed to give the response to President Trump’s State of the Union Address,” Tweeted reporter Jamie Dupree.
Sen Schumer says Stacey Abrams of Georgia has agreed to give the response to President Trump's State of the Union Address
— Jamie Dupree (@jamiedupree) January 29, 2019
Abrams, who lost her 2018 gubernatorial race to Republican Brian Kemp and then bitterly challenged the legitimacy of the election and caused controversy after failing to pay some of her canvassers, is known for her radical leftist agenda.
She is a radical socialist who wanted to implement gun buybacks in Georgia if elected, and said that illegal aliens should be allowed to vote. Her campaign site advocated for tuition free college and healthcare for all.
“To create a state where every family has the opportunity to thrive, ensuring access to affordable health care for each and every Georgian is absolutely essential,” her site said. “Expanding Medicaid is not only critical to expanding access to health care throughout our state, it’s a moral and economic imperative, and will be Stacey Abrams’s first priority as governor. Medicaid expansion will provide access to health care for 500,000 Georgians, create more than 50,000 jobs across the state, expand mental health supports, and protect rural hospitals from closure.”
In response to Trump’s election, Democrats have moved further left politically. Perhaps it would have been beneficial to moderate, but they are enamored with the idea of socialism. Thus, radicals like Abrams continue to have access to a platform within the Democratic party, despite the unpopularity of socialism on the whole.
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