Governor Blackface Northam Demands More Third-World Refugees in Virginia

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam continues to apologize for his infamous blackface photo by virtue-signaling as often as possible. He is demanding for potentially dangerous refugees to be relocated from the third-world into his state to show how tolerant he is.

“I have read federal Executive Order 13888, and I write to reaffirm Virginia’s position that we welcome refugee resettlement in the Commonwealth,” he wrote in a letter addressed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Northam was referencing the order signed by President Donald Trump in September that made the refugee resettlement program voluntary and based on the consent of state and local municipalities.

“State and local governments are best positioned to know the resources and capacities they may or may not have available to devote to sustainable resettlement, which maximizes the likelihood refugees placed in the area will become self-sufficient and free from long-term dependence on public assistance,” the order reads.

The Trump administration has frozen the refugee resettlement program, and resettled zero refugees into the U.S. from the third-world during the month of October:

Over 500 flights have already been cancelled this month due to a freeze in resettling the refugees. The freeze was set to expire on Tuesday, but will now persist until at least Nov. 5…

The Trump administration has called for 18,000 refugees to be resettled into the US from the third world this year, which would be a historic low. Trump has yet to sign off on the refugee ceiling, but agencies that aid and abet the program are crying foul at the administration’s policies anyway.

“To consistently call and say your family member who you thought you were going to be reunified with isn’t coming, it’s difficult,” said Nate Bult, who works as vice president of public and government affairs at Bethany Christian Services.

“When you get that phone call once, twice, three times, the refugees we’re working with are concerned it may never happen,” he added.

“We are systematically re-traumatizing people who have already been through a significant amount of trauma. It’s unconscionable,” said Danielle Grigsby, who works as interim director of Refugee Council USA.

While the refugee industry is often cloaked in humanitarian terms by globalists and the fake news media, it is notoriously corrupt and largely based on bribes rather than helping the disadvantaged.

Northam is attempting to show how compassionate he is by aiding and abetting a glorified human trafficking program that will further skew the demographics in his beleaguered state.

“The United States has long presented itself as a haven, a place of stability and economic prosperity. We promote the ideals upon which this country was founded, of liberty and freedom. But to uphold those ideals abroad, we must allow access to them here at home. We must practice what we preach,” Northam wrote in the letter.

“These are people who no longer have a home. History shows us that this could happen to any of us. We must all imagine ourselves in their shoes, and treat them as we would wish to be treated. If I were ever in such a position, I hope a friendly country would take me in and let me rebuild my life in peace and safety,” Northam added.

Virginia is certainly ailing under the stewardship of Racist Ralph.

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