Roy Moore, like now-Justice Kavanaugh, was accused, and not guilty. During Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, Judiciary Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham took every opportunity to cite the long-held tradition of due process and the presumption of innocence in defense of President Trump’s nominee, Mr. Kavanaugh, a stark difference from how he treated Roy Moore during the 2017 special election.
In the intervening time period, Roy Moore has been vindicated. Leigh Corfman, his accuser, refuses to appear to testify for her own lawsuit.
Yet Moore’s own party swapped him out for a Democrat.
Duncan Lindsey host of a podcast and popular informational resource on Alabaman politics, says the answer is the different political etiquette of the two major parties. Dems circle the wagons, whereas Republicans eat their own. He argues the existence of a treacherous institutional default in the GOP whenever sexual crimes are alleged — evidence is never demanded and Republicans are to give up.
“Unlike Kavanaugh, Moore’s defenders in DC were few and far between, if at all during his hour of persecution,” stated Lindsey, and that’s still true at present.