OFFICIAL: Disinformation Governance Board Terminated, Per DHS Final Report

The Disinformation Governance Board is a major passion project for liberal world order elites. Even though most Americans despise it for its Orwellian and hypocritical endeavors.

Fortunately, thanks to massive backlash, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has officially terminated the initiative.

Here is the department’s Homeland Security Advisory Council’s final report.

“The Department welcomes the recommendations of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, which has concluded that countering disinformation that threatens the homeland, and providing the public with accurate information in response, is critical to fulfilling the Department’s missions,” it reads.

“We thank the Subcommittee for its work, which required extensive fact gathering and analysis over a short period of time,” it continues.

Then comes the kicker: “In accordance with the HSAC’s prior recommendation, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas has terminated the Disinformation Governance Board and rescinded its charter effective today, August 24, 2022.”

Does this mean an end to the left’s attempts to censor free speech online? Of course not. Because gatekeeping discourse is one of the key ingredients for holding power and controlling the narrative around controversial topics like politics, COVID-19, news, amongst various other hot-button issues.

The left cannot simply give that power away.

Per the report, the Homeland Security Advisory Council still recommends that it is paramount for the DHS to address “inaccurate information” online.

Not only that, but they are determined “to address the disinformation threat streams that can undermine the security of our homeland.” 

These people truly believe that their influence can affect the masses enough to make them think and converse differently.

If you remember, failed Ministry of Truth czar Nina Jankowicz even suggested that her disinformation governance board could have prevented the Uvalde shooting. Arguing that the gunman may have been radicalized by online content.

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec, who has been credited by Jankowicz herself as the leading voice that led to her downfall, slammed the failed czar for these comments. 

Pointing out that if Jankowicz truly had prior information regarding the shooter that the public didn’t already know about, then she had the obligation to go to the authorities.

“Now, do we have actual information from the Uvalde shooter about targeting this school for reasons of violent extremism or disinformation?” Posobiec asked on an episode of his show. 

“Because, Nina if you know that,” he continued. “Please share that with the authorities immediately, or perhaps not the authorities in Uvalde, because they don’t seem to be giving anyone the truth…”

“You gotta go share that with some real authorities! With the Texas governor’s office, the Texas AG office, and AG Paxton, who’s actually conducting a real investigation into this thing,” Posobiec concluded.

Despite the disinformation governance board’s now official failure, social media companies are still ramping up their efforts to combat misinformation. So this trend of biased censorship is highly expected to continue.

For example: in an attempt to fight against “election disinformation,” platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok are gearing up for content policing just ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Funny how the culprits that routinely get banned are voices that go against the mainstream. And hardly ever the big players who spout blatant misinformation on a daily basis. The system is rigged.

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