PHOTO: CNN’s April Ryan Partied With Avenatti In Front Of ‘Drunken Journalist’ Sign


CNN celebrities including April Ryan and Don Lemon have been photographed partying with Michael Avenatti, the man who stands accused of domestic violence against his estranged girlfriend Mareli Miniutti. The accuser has filed for a restraining order against Avenatti, the porn actress Stormy Daniels’ lawyer.

As Avenatti tries to impeach the credibility of his accuser’s claims, CNN is under the microscope: Jeff Zucker’s network promoted Avenatti for months during the invented Stormy Daniels scandal, and members of their very own pundit posse were pictured with Avenatti on multiple occasions.

Here’s the Instagram post in which CNN analyst April Ryan described her good time with Avenatti on April 29. The sign behind April Ryan and Avenatti reads “The Drunken Journalist.”

“Was I singing “Stormy Weather” to Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti? You had to have been there to know why we’re both smiling so hard. #MichaelAvenatti #CNN #WHCD #WHCA,” April Ryan wrote in her caption to the photograph.

Hey, here’s a photo of CNN host Don Lemon partying with Avenatti, too.

Don Lemon famously got drunk on the air on CNN on New Year’s Eve.

Speaking of CNN on New Year’s, the cable network’s replacement for Kathy Griffin on their Anderson Cooper-hosted New Year’s show experienced fallout from the revelation of his past tweet, in which he stated “I hate white people!”

CNN’s Jim Acosta is back in the White House due to a lawsuit after he was previously banished for an incident in which he clearly grabbed a female White House intern according to photograph and video evidence.

Does CNN condone violence like the kind allegedly perpetrated by Avenatti?

A man recently ran across the street to punch a President Trump supporter outside the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

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