SELLOUT? Mike Pence Joins Con Inc. Youth Organization That Tried to Cancel Michelle Malkin

Former Vice President Mike Pence is loathed by the Republican grassroots for failing so pitifully to combat voter fraud in last year’s election, so naturally Conservative Inc. organizations are clamoring for Pence to be their corporate-backed superstar.

Pence recently announced his employment with the Heritage Foundation, the nominally conservative Washington D.C. swamp think-tank that takes payola from Google to shill for Big Tech. He is following that up by joining the Young America’s Foundation (YAF), the oligarch-funded student front that tried to cancel Michelle Malkin in 2019 for being too conservative.

YAF announced last week that Pence would be joining the organization as their Ronald Reagan Presidential Scholar.

“Vice President Pence has been a stalwart defender of individual freedom, traditional values, free markets, and limited government throughout his career of distinguished service to our country,” said YAF President Scott Walker, the former RINO governor of Wisconsin who lost a winnable election to a Democrat in 2018 and set the stage for massive election fraud against Trump.

“Now, by partnering with YAF, the Vice President will continue to attract new hearts and minds to the conservative cause, passing along the ideas of freedom—just as President Reagan did before, during, and after his time in office. Vice President Pence’s energy and enthusiasm for Ronald Reagan’s values has and will continue to inspire a new generation of young people,” Walker added.

Pence will also be working on a podcast with YAF as he attempts to rebuild his following with his eyes potentially set on running for president in 2024.

“The vice president will certainly be focused on the conservative accomplishments of the last four years and projecting those accomplishments and lessons learned forward,” a spokesperson for Pence said about his ambitions after betraying Trump.

Big League Politics has reported about Pence being a wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing fraud for years as Vice President, working quietly to undermine the effectiveness of former President Trump’s America First agenda:

Vice President Mike Pence is hopping on the red flag gun confiscation bandwagon.

According to a report from Fox 59, Pence believes Indiana’s red flag law could serve as a model for the rest of the nation to follow.

On Wednesday, the VP held a roundtable discussion over red flag laws with several Indiana law enforcement officials. Pence claims that this discussion is part of a larger conversation the Trump administration is participating in order to prevent mass shootings like the ones in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.

“I’m here to listen and to carry back Indiana’s experience into our discussions at the White House,” Pence stated.

Pence praised Indiana’s red flag laws for preventing incidents of gun violence in cases involving mental health issues and suicide.

“While we will always defend the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms, we don’t want people who are a danger to themselves or others to have access to firearms,” Pence declared.

Indiana’s red flag law was passed after an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer was killed in 2004.

In Indianapolis, red flag laws have been invoked more than 700 times, giving police the authority to confiscate firearms from an individual who is suspected to pose a threat to themselves or others.

Pence is among the most dangerous potential usurpers in the GOP to the MAGA throne who is attempting to take the mantle from Trump.

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