Body Cam Footage Makes Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen Look Like a Liar
Texas Department of Public Safety body camera footage of a supposed “intimidation” incident involving Texas Gun Rights activist Chris McNutt exposes House Speaker Dennis Bonnen as a liar.
On April 20, 2019, Open Carry Texas activist CJ Grisham uploaded a video to his YouTube channel of the DPS body cam footage.
The exchange between McNutt and the DPS officers was peaceful to the say the least.
On March 27, 2019, McNutt was block-walking in Dennis Bonnen’s district, and when he got out of his car, he identified himself to the DPS officers.
The gun rights activist mainly spoke with DPS officer James Johnson throughout this exchange.
McNutt told the two DPS officers about the nature of his activism for Constitutional Carry. The Executive Director of Texas Gun Rights explained to the two officers what Texas Gun Rights does. When asked specifically about what he was doing in Dennis Bonnen’s neighborhood, McNutt said that he was just dropping a flyer that called on Bonnen to give Constitutional Carry a hearing.
When asked about Constitutional Carry, McNutt explained that Constitutional Carry is simply the concept that any law-abiding gun owner should be allowed to carry a firearm without having to obtain a permit. McNutt clarified that Constitutional Carry has been “the number one priority of the Republican Party of Texas platform for three sessions in a row.”
Officer Johnson said “I get what you’re saying” after McNutt broke down what Constitutional Carry entailed and was actually receptive to the idea.
Additionally, McNutt told the DPS officers that Texas Gun Rights tried reaching out to both House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Governor Greg Abbott on multiple occasions with little success. McNutt also informed the officers about how he previously block-walked in the districts of State Representatives Dustin Burrows and Four Price with no problems.
This video confirms what BLP has covered over the past few weeks regarding the recent Fake News campaign against Texas Gun Rights.
Conservative activists told BLP that they believed McNutt’s account of the story and were skeptical of Bonnen’s claims.
Now with this video footage, Dennis Bonnen has been exposed.
BLP reported how Constitutional Carry has been killed on multiple occasions in the Texas State legislature.
When asked to comment about the legislature’s performance, McNutt said “Texas House leadership continues spitting in the face of pro-gun Texans” by killing Constitutional Carry.
The surprising performance of Beto O’Rourke in the last election cycle has gun rights activists worried. That cycle saw Texas gun owners lose a strong pro-gun champion in State Representative Matt Rinaldi.
Policies like Constitutional Carry are winning issues and one of the top priorities for the Texas Republican Party. Voters will only take so much inaction on the issue, so Republican leadership must take note.
Should leadership continue to kick the can down the road, Texas could likely see its traditionally pro-gun image deteriorate the same way states like Colorado and Florida have over the past decade.