Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Launches Sexist, Misogynist Tirade Against Conservative Reporter

*Warning: This story contains graphic content*
The editor-in-chief of a NeoConservative news website viciously attacked a female reporter in the early hours of Saturday morning.
“Still better than eating Putin’s cock bacon for breakfast, you hapless harlot,” Daily Caller’s Geoff Ingersoll told Gateway Pundit’s Cassandra Fairbanks on Twitter.
“By the way, maybe cut down. You’re blowing up,” he continued.
The context of the attack was an argument between Fairbanks and Ingersoll about the recent arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The NeoCon crowd in D.C. has celebrated his arrest, alleging that he stole state secrets, demanding he be punished.
The GOP establishment still holds a grudge against Assange for exposing war crimes committed during the GOP-backed War on Terror in the Middle East. Assange’s organization also obtained and released emails to and from Hillary R. Clinton’s secret private server during her tenure as Secretary of State before the 2016 election.
Establishment Republicans like Ingersoll and Daily Caller co-founder Neil Patel apparently agree with the Jeff Bezos-owned blog Washington Post on the Assange issue. That blog is known for perpetuating the Russian “collusion” conspiracy theory and burying sexual assault allegations against prominent Democratic Party officeholders.
Many other conservatives, including Fairbanks who had spent time with Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where Assange lived for almost seven years, see him as a free-speech hero for exposing the secret misdeeds of governments around the world. Most who believe in limited government have sided with Assange and claimed that his arrest poses a threat to press freedom.
Fairbanks originally made a post that was critical of The Daily Caller, which made a meme out of the images of his arrest.
“We don’t suck up to political powers, they say, as the deep states [sic] dick glides down their throat,” Fairbanks said in Tweet.
She did not mention Ingersoll, but he took offense to her original Tweet, sparking a back-and-forth which eventually led to his sexist attacks.
“You got your start as a dingleberry hanging off the ass of the Kremlin,” Ingersoll responded to Fairbanks’ original Tweet.
With this tweet the editor-in-chief of the supposedly conservative Daily Caller proves he accepts the political left’s premise that President Donald J. Trump colluded with the Russians, and that Assange played a role. That conspiracy theory has been long-debunked on this site, and even the mainstream press was forced to reckon with its falsehood when Attorney General Willam P. Barr submitted his assessment of the Mueller report, clearing the Trump administration from wrongdoing.
Later in the exchange, Ingersoll made further misogynistic remarks about Fairbanks’ weight.
“Go for a run and take the definition of ‘neocon’ with you,” he said.
Ingersoll was unrepentant when Big League Politics reached out for comment. He blamed Fairbanks for starting the altercation with her Tweet about the Caller, despite the fact that she never attacked him personally.
“I think the back and forth started with her saying something about sucking ‘the deep states dick’ … so I figured she was accustomed to such language,” he said.
During the course of our conversation, he bizarrely asked if I would slap myself at his direction.
“If I tell you to slap yourself, will you actually do it or no?” he said.
Big League Politics reached out to Daily Caller publisher Neil Patel for comment, but he did not return our request in time for publication.
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