Lauren Witzke Clashes With Richard Grenell Over His Promotion of Transgenderism; Con Inc. Wants Her Cancelled!

Where do we draw the line between what is ‘conservative’ and what isn’t ‘conservative’? Well, for many establishment Republicans, also known by some as ‘Conservative Inc.’, the only two distinctions between right and left are free markets and principled constitutionalism. However, traditionally, conservatives have sought to protect Christian and American values. Things like preserving the family, promoting law and order, and protecting the sacred tradition of marriage between a man and a woman had been the backbone of the conservative movement. It seems as if nowadays, these values have been completely thrown aside. Big League Politics has previously reported on establishment conservative organizations, such as Turning Point USA, pushing transgenderism and homosexuality on Republican college students.
Rather than bend the knee to the left, as most Republicans do, social conservatives like Lauren Witzke have decided to take a stand and say: “Enough is enough.” Witzke, who is the Spokeswoman for Hold the Line PAC, recently clashed on Twitter with former Trump Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who is openly a homosexual.
The whole debacle began when Lauren Witzke replied to a tweet by Grenell, praising the GOP for its inclusivity to transgender people, referring to transgenderism as ‘mental illness’:
No. We are celebrating that God made everyone and people being respectful. Try it.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) March 1, 2021
Grenell tried to downplay Witzke’s take, effectively saying that celebrating transexuality is a celebration of God, in which Witzke replied that it was instead demonic:
Grenell rebuttaled, asking Witzke if she was ok with welcoming gay conservatives into the GOP. Witzke responded saying no, and that it would be a useless act of appeasement.
Seemingly in an act to publicize Witzke’s wrongthink, Grenell then quote-tweeted her and asked her the same question once more:
So just to be clear, you don’t welcome gay conservatives into the Republican Party?
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) March 1, 2021
True to her nature, Witzke sarcastically mocked Grenell for repeating himself and solidified her stance:
The two would both go on to throw several more jabs at each other on Twitter, but you get the point. Richard Grenell believes that the Republican Party should have no moral stance on any issue, while Lauren Witzke believes that the GOP should strictly conserve our Christian values.
We reached out to Lauren on Twitter for a quick statement and she gave us this:
“The Republican Party was founded on Christian Conservative Principles. We believe in the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a women. Gay fiscal conservatives are more than welcome to vote for us, but should have no place in leadership to advocate for their progressive ideals.”
Lauren Witzke previously ran as the Republican nominee for US Senate in Delaware, but lost to the incumbent Democrat Senator Chris Coons. Despite living in a blue state and running on a nationalist platform, Witzke impressively secured roughly double the votes as her Republican predecessor in 2014.
After the lengthy and, as of right now, still ongoing battle between Grenell and Witzke, conservative commentator Elijah Schafer reached out to both parties to ask if they would come onto his BlazeTV show to debate each other. Witzke immediately accepted, while Grenell has yet to comment:
Despite conservatives supposedly leading the charge against cancel culture, in actuality a good portion of cancel culture happens within the conservative movement. Although CPAC’s motto this year may have been ‘America Uncancelled’, moderate conservatives still seem more than happy to ostracize their socially conservative counterparts. Many establishment Republicans and friends of Richard Grenell took to Twitter, demanding that Lauren Witzke be cancelled for supporting traditional marriage. Mind you, the vast majority of Republicans were against gay marriage just 6 years ago.
(Tweet by commentator @fadde was deleted shortly after this article was published)
Host of America First and popular conservative commentator Nicholas J. Fuentes called Grenell a member of the ‘Gay Mafia’ and accused him of using leftist tactics to try and intimidate Witzke.
While it doesn’t look like the argument will end anytime soon, it remains clear that there are still social conservatives within the GOP, and the establishment is going to use any means necessary to get them out. As our country rots and decays under Joe Biden, Republicans think that they can just become the left (but with free markets). That isn’t the case. America is not merely and idea or an economic system, America is a nation. A nation is nothing without its people, and America is at it’s greatest when strong family values are promoted by the state and the people see themselves as one nation under God. We’ve included a more miscellaneous tweets from the feud below for interested readers.
You cancelled Bryson Gray and now you’re trying to cancel Lauren Witzke because you clearly have a problem with real Christians.
This is a Christian, conservative movement and we will not be bullied into accepting your LGBTQ ideology.
— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) March 2, 2021
I just wanted to say I support @ScottPresler, @RichardGrenell & every other person in the LGBT community.
You are all welcome in the Republican Party & I had no idea in 2021 we would be judging people by who they choose to love. But here we are ????
No matter color or gender ❤️
— Kimberly Klacik (@kimKBaltimore) March 1, 2021
Conservatives all over the country are grateful for your leadership in growing the GOP, Ric. This Aspiring-Scam-PAC spokesperson doesn’t represent our movement
— Alyssa Farah (@Alyssafarah) March 1, 2021
When you're catching flak, you're over the target. Keep holding the line @LaurenWitzkeDE ????????????????????
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 1, 2021
Stand with @LaurenWitzkeDE. The nuclear family matters! What's the point of voting Republican if the party's going to be the same as the Democrats?
— Liberty Hangout (@LibertyHangout) March 1, 2021
Ya'll want to know the truth? like, all of it? i can def give it to ya'll. Gay trump supporters have made an effort to "take me down"….FACT. Why do ya'll think i wasnt performing at trump rallies? campaign definitely wanted me to! fact!
— ALBUMS OUT NOW (@RealBrysonGray) March 2, 2021
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