Next Media Conspiracy Theory: Trump Cheats at Golf
Fresh off peddling a two-year conspiracy theory about non-existent Russian “collusion,” leftist media has a desperate new conspiracy theory about President Donald J. Trump.
“President Donald Trump is known for having a liberal attitude toward the truth. And that character trait bleeds over to his golf game, according to former Sports Illustrated columnist Rick Reilly,” leftist rag Slate said. “Many had accused Trump of cheating at golf in the past, but Reilly decided to dig deep on the issue and wrote a whole book about it titled Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump.”
It appears that the political left has finally found the lynchpin for the impeachment for which it’s so desperately been longing.
“To say ‘Donald Trump cheats’ is like saying ‘Michael Phelps swims,’” Reilly reportedly says in the book. “He cheats at the highest level. He cheats when people are watching and he cheats when they aren’t. He cheats whether you like it or not. He cheats because that’s how he plays golf. … If you’re playing golf with him, he’s going to cheat.”
Maybe after Slate completes its investigation into whether Trump cheats at golf – and whether his handicap is actually 2.8, which it isn’t, according to the article – it can open an investigation into whether Trump is responsible for the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The Trump Golf Handicap Hoax conspiracy isn’t the only golf-related conspiracy theory the media has tried to push on the American people.
After CBS’s Mark Knoller tallied a total of 333 golf rounds played by Barack Obama, or about one round every 8 days –an impressive number of rounds by any non-golfer’s standard — a veritable cottage industry has emerged dedicated to attempting to discern how many rounds of golf President Trump has played.
But once again the lying fake news legacy media is having a hard time separating fact from guesses and fiction.
Most reporters wasting their time covering Trump’s golf habits attempt to correlate the total number of trips Trump makes to his properties that have golf courses to the actual number of rounds Trump has played. This, as any reasonable reader could ascertain, is likely not a foolproof assumption.
As NBC News points out, the problem clearly lies in the likelihood that President Trump doesn’t play golf every time he visits a property that has a golf course.
“Trump visited his golf clubs more than 150 times in his first official year in office, and at least 77 times in his second year in office. However, the precise number of times Trump has actually played golf is difficult to track. …social media has become a source of crowd-sourced reporting into the president’s whereabouts.”[emphasis added]
The press continues to make a mockery of itself after attempting to convince the American people that Trump was an asset of a hostile foreign power for two years, and then failing to apologize for the hoax, instead choosing to throw a temper tantrum.
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