Rabbi: Leftists ‘Much More Dangerous’ to Jews Than KKK

The National Conference of Jewish Affairs (NCJA) held a demonstration at U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office on Thursday at 1 p.m. to protest her failure to discipline Rep. Ilhan Omar for repeatedly using anti-Semitic tropes or pass a clean resolution condemning anti-Semitism. Omar has a long history of controversial statements about Jews, jihadists and Catholic schoolboys.
Theologian and NCJA spokesman Rabbi Aryeh Spero’s group was also joined by supporters from the Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition (an anti-Islamist women’s rights group), the Middle East Research Center and Women for a Great America. The group of demonstrators were heckled by white counter-protesters from Code Pink, a radical anti-war group which supports dialogue with terrorist groups and boycotts of Israel.
“There’s no question that Nancy Pelosi and all of the liberals are ready to condemn anti-Semitism if it comes from the Right or from conservatives, but they’ll never condemn it if it comes from their own house,” Spero said.
Afterwards the group held a 3 p.m. press conference in front of the U.S. Capitol, where they were joined by Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert. Spero hailed Gohmert as “the People’s congressman.” He also thanked Gohmert for his leadership in opposing the House Democrats’ recent anti-bigotry resolution, calling it a “sham.” A Code Pink protester carrying a pink bicycle tried to disrupt the assembly by walking into the crowd and shouting, but she left as Capitol Police started approaching.
In an exclusive interview with Big League Politics, Spero blasted the tendency of Democrats to deflect criticism of Omar by invoking controversial statements by President Trump or Rep. Steve King:
“There’s no question that President Trump is not anti-Jewish, not anti-Semitic, not anti-Israel. He might have had a slip of the tongue or he framed something in such a way that it could be interpreted the wrong way. Omar is not a matter of misintepretation. This is part of a pattern… that’s what’s dangerous about it. This has been used in Europe and other places. What you do is you soil the image of Jews in the population by questioning their loyalty to the country. President Trump never did this.”
Spero also bristled at the notion that he should be more afraid of anti-Semitism from institutionally powerless figures on the Right than from elected members of Congress.
“[Antisemitism is] much more dangerous from the Left. Nobody accepts anybody from the KKK. These are marginalized people. Law enforcement knows exactly who these people are and they would not be allowed to do anything dangerous if the police found out beforehand.
“The Left gets away with it! It’s much more dangerous because the Left does all of its antisemitism and anti-Israelism in the name of social justice. The Left is far more powerful than a few KKK guys in some little enclave in southern Indiana or northern Mississippi. They’re in charge of the culture, the media, academia… the power is unbelievable.
“The biggest proof is that Omar, who’s considered to be from the Left, did what she did and said what she said yet she wasn’t even censured.”
The Ku Kux Klan was once a widespread, popular and politically-powerful white supremacist terrorist organization with as many as 4 million members. After decades of popular scorn sapping their numbers and successful civil suits wiping out their assets, The KKK is now estimated to have as little as 3,000 – 6,000 members nationally.
By contrast, the Nation of Islam (NOI) – a black supremacist anti-Semitic cult with a paramilitary arm – has an estimated 20,000 – 50,000 members. The NOI has published several books of conspiracy theories about Jews including “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” whose false claims that Jews were a driving force in the transatlantic slave trade have been condemned by the American Historical Association.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, Omar’s predecessor, has faced withering scrutiny for his ties to the NOI and so have the leaders of the Women’s March, an organization that Omar has refused to condemn despite widespread disavowals by feminists.