Vegas One Year Later: Here’s What Big League Has Uncovered on the Deadly Shooting

On the one year anniversary of the Las Vegas Massacre that killed 58 concert goers, there are still far more questions than answers. Law enforcement has seemingly engaged in an apparent coverup of the key details of the tragic event, and the non-curious mainstream press has done nothing to get to the bottom of it.

The main question that still exists is what allegedly drove Stephen Paddock to slaughter 58 innocent people with apparently no warning signs. The official story is that he just “snapped.”

Here is a roundup of BLP’s reporting on Las Vegas form the past year.

A former FBI agent suggested that the attack was likely an ISIS operation.

Big League Politics spoke with a former high-level law enforcement official who says that the Las Vegas massacre could plausibly have been a joint operation between Antifa and ISIS.

“In short, in my experience it is most likely this was an ISIS operation and the evidence strongly points that way,” said a former FBI counter-terrorism agent. “Authorities have no alternative line of investigation. The most frightening possibility is that this was a joint ISIS-Antifa operation.”

An Australian mystery man, Brian A. Hodge, has been at the center of a private investigation by ex-government officials dismayed with the way law enforcement has handled the Vegas mystery. The ex-government officials who compiled the report worked at the highest levels of the U.S. intelligence communities. The report was first given to Congress, and then exclusively obtained by BLP before others reported on it.

Big League Politics has exclusively obtained an in-depth intelligence community-produced report which fuses open-source information, tactical counter-terrorism analysis, cyber-intelligence, and digital data mining into a comprehensive dossier comprised of a detailed profile on Brian A. Hodge’s and his whereabouts during the massacre.

The digital signatures captured, tactical tradecraft, and media analysis strongly suggest that Hodge should reasonably be suspected as a person of interest in the Vegas massacre, and deserves more scrutiny.

Hodge, a marketer and left-wing activist from Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, was born February 16, 1981, and works as a Marketing Director for George P. Johnson Experience Marketing in Los Angeles.

Hodge’s Australian background and support for left-wing causes are well documented on his now-locked Facebook page.

Further reporting by BLP dug deeper into Hodge’s whereabouts on the night of the attack and shortly thereafter. He provided details about the event during interviews on Australian radio that would not be released to the public until hours later

Hodge appeared on five Australian radio stations, and two Australian television stations in the hours after the shooting, telling pretty much the same version of the story during each interview.

He claims that he entered the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay after having dinner with his “team” just as the shooting began. He never specifically names any members of his “team.” He claims to hear a woman screaming about gunshots coming from that floor, at which point he and his “team” return to the elevator, ride down to the lobby, and run through the kitchen of a restaurant out a back door. He then proceeds to hide in the bushes for “three-and-a-half hours” until he is “rescued by SWAT.”

BLP contributor Laura Loomer reported in April that three men who came from a hotbed of ISIS terrorism in Mexico checked into a Las Vegas hotel called The Knotty Pine on the night of the massacre:

“The information briefed to members of Congress includes a hotel receipt that suggests 3 additional individuals who have ties to Guanajuato, Mexico participated in the Las Vegas Shooting and came in through the US/Mexican border, despite the FBI’s claim that Stephen Paddock acted alone and that the shooting was not a coordinated act of terrorism. The receipt shows that a man by the name of German Torres Moreno rented a hotel room at the Knotty Pine Motel in North Las Vegas on September 29 throughout October 1, 2017, the day of the Las Vegas Shooting. Moreno checked into the hotel with his driver’s license, which was traced back to Guanajuato, Mexico. Guanajuato is of significance, because it is where Mexican Military Intelligence discovered an ISIS recruiter in 2015.”

Our intelligence sources not only corroborated Loomer’s reporting, but confirm that during the time in which Hodge claimed he was hiding outside the Mandalay Bay, surveillance data shows that he actually traveled to the Knotty Pine Motel, 10 miles north of downtown Las Vegas.

Finally, BLP’s intelligence sources traced Hodge to Albuquerque, New Mexico the day after the massacre, where he met with a Turkish national named Mehmet Kokangul:

The experts who provided the intelligence report to Big League Politics, former government intelligence operatives, were able to track Hodge to the Anatolia Doner Kebab House located at 313 Central Avenue North West, Suite B, in Albuquerque. He arrived in the city by an unknown means of travel.

The kebab shop where Hodge was geo-located is owned by Mr. Mehmet Kokangul, a Turkish national from the city of Adana, which is a known Islamic State terrorist hotbed. Just two weeks ago, 9 ISIS terrorists were arrested there. A former FBI counterterrorism analyst with knowledge of the private investigation into Hodge confirmed that Kokangul is on State Department terror watch list. 

Hodge has yet to be the subject of any investigation, though our intelligence sources suggest that rightfully should be a person of interest, and at least be questioned by law enforcement.

The dearth of evidence has frustrated concerned Americans. While the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has officially closed the case, the FBI was supposed to provide a comprehensive incident report by the one year anniversary.

That report has still not been released.

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