REPORT: Trump Considering Banning Asylum for Central Americans

In the midst of the illegal alien crisis at the southern border, President Donald J. Trump is reportedly weighing a plan to end asylum for Central Americans.

“A draft proposal circulating among Trump’s Homeland Security advisers would prohibit migrants from seeking asylum if they have resided in a country other than their own before coming to the U.S., according to a DHS official and an outside advocate familiar with the plan,” said a Thursday POLITICO report.

There are tens of thousands of Central American migrants seeking asylum in the United States currently. About half of all asylum claims are ultimately rejected as bogus, and immigration courts are currently backlogged with almost one million asylum cases.

Trump alluded to taking action on the border crisis Wednesday, telling reporters that he is “going to do something very dramatic on the border,” and claimed that he would be making his “biggest statement” on the issue.

“This is a big league statement,” he said. “I’m not closing the border, I’m doing something else.”

Taking back some control over the open border would be a welcomed move by ardent Trump supporters. So far, his administration has accomplished little in the way of border security, as both Democrats and Republicans have blocked his initiatives.

Big League Politics reported:

President Donald J. Trump has declared a national state of emergency, for which several heavily-blue states immediately sued his administration. Democrats refuse to budge on the issue, unwilling to secure America’s borders. As illegal border crossings surge, they blocked a meaningful amount of wall funding in the 2019 federal budget.

In what many conservatives see as a colossal failure, the Republican Congress, led by former Speaker Paul Ryan, current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, failed to deliver wall funding to the president’s desk during all of 2017 and 2018, when Republicans held the House, the Senate, and the White House.

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